Safety and Emergency Services

Campus Police (505-277-2241), 2500 Campus Blvd. NE
Campus Police can be reached 24 hours a day. In addition to police work, the office offers a number of services including an escort service, lost & found, finger printing, security & presentations to groups.

Campus Safety & Security Committee (505-277-3361), Dean of Students Office.
This committee is made up of students, staff and faculty.The committee conducts research to assess campus safety needs. The committee makes recommendations to the administration regarding improvements in safety and security on campus.

Emergency Phone Numbers
- Ambulance (911)
- Agora Crisis Center (505-277-3013)
- Fire (911)
- NM Poison Control (505-843-2551)
- Police (505-277-2241)
- Police TDY (505-277-0888)
- On Campus UNM Police (911)
- Rape Crisis Center (505-266-7711)
- Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence (505-247-4219)
- Student Health Center (505-277-3136 )
- Suicide Crisis and Emergency Center (505-265-7557)

Emergency Phones There are emergency phones in the following locations around campus. You will automatically be connected to the campus police when you pick up the phone. These phones operate 24 hours a day.

Emergency Situation Text Messaging
LoboAlerts is UNM’s emergency text messaging system.  It is an opt-out system and all registered students have been automatically enrolled if you entered your cell phone number in the student information system. If there is an emergency situation on campus, a text message will be sent providing instructions to follow. For more information go to the website.


LoboGuardian is a mobile application that increases the safety of our students. It allows students to contact UNM Police Department and 911 in case of emergency. Through the use of your mobile phone's GPS, an emergency response unit is able to track the student's exact location. 


Safety Timer and Status: Designate friends, family, and others as “Guardians.
Emergency Calling to UNM Police will provide your GPS location.
Report a Tip: Report anonymous tips to UNM police.

How to Install

Search for “Rave Guardian” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download and install.
Choose I am with a school. Enter your name and UNM email. Use your UNM email to unlock the full functionality of the app.

For more info, visit

Rape Crisis Centerr (505-266-7711)
The Center offers 24-hour emergency advocacy services, community education & professional training, counseling services for victims & their families, and a resource library. Volunteers are always needed.

Risk Management (505-277-9790), Onate Hall 137.
The office offers medical coverage for travel outside the United States, group accident insurance, and medical coverage for students participating in UNM-sponsored and supervised field trips. They also assess risks and manage liability for the campus.

Safety Tips On Campus
College campuses are not exempt from crime. Students, faculty and staff can make the UNM community a safer place to live, learn and work by taking common sense precautions, being alert, and looking out for others.  A safe campus starts with you.
- Go out with a friend, not alone, especially if you're headed for a late night snack or study break.
- Walk purposefully. Look confident. Watch where you are going. Be alert to your surroundings.
- Use well-lighted, well-traveled areas and try to walk with friends.
- Avoid shortcuts through isolated areas.
- Lock all doors and close all windows when leaving your car, whether it's for a few minutes or several hours.
- Have keys ready when you approach your car. Check car for intruders before entering and lock door immediately after getting into your car.
- Always lock your bike when leaving it unattended, even for a few minutes.
- List only first initials and last name in telephone directories.
- Hang up immediately on obscene phone calls.
- Don't keep large sums of money in your office, dorm or apartment.
- Lock doors and windows, even if you're just going out for dinner.
- If you are a victim of a crime or feel threatened by another person, call campus police (505-277-2241) immediately. You may save someone else from being a victim.

Safety and Risk Services (505-277-2753), 1801 Tucker NE.
SRS serves as the safety watchdog for UNM. Safety programs include environmental, biological, chemical, radiological and general campus safety.You are welcome to consult with any SRS staff regarding any of our programs or to request assistance on any of your safety concerns at UNM. You may also report any safety hazards you encounter directly to SRS. Safety training programs are available in many areas. Training of special interest to students includes defensive driving; laboratory safety; using personal protective equipment; working safely with art media such as clay, paints, and resin; asbestos issues; and radiation safety.

Security Escort Service (505-277-2241) Campus Police, Hokona Hall.
If you feel you need an escort to your car, residence hall or classroom, there are campus police security aides available. The escort service may only be initiated from Student Family Housing, main and north campus properties. For your safety, make sure you specify your location to the dispatcher. Service is provided on a first come, first served basis and a wait may be necessary. If you are concerned at any time about your safety, call the Campus Police at 505-277-2241. Escort service is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.