Services on Campus

Alumni Chapel (505-277-5808), Alumni Office, Hodgin Hall.
Located next to Scholes Hall, the Chapel is available for a small fee for weddings, religious and memorial services. Detailed information can be obtained through the Alumni Relations website.

Accessibility Resource Center (505-277-3506), Mesa Vista Hall 2010.
The Accessibility Resource Center provides a variety of services to UNM self-identified students with disabilities. This includes students with visual, hearing, learning, and mobility disabilities, as well as chronic conditions. The primary duty of the department is to help all qualified students with disabilities gain equal educational access and opportunities throughout the UNM community. According to the criteria stated in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, along with UNM Policy 2310, they require students give proof of a disabling condition by providing professional evaluations. Students requesting services must provide documentation of the disabling condition prior to initiation of services.

Association of Non-Traditional Students - ANTS (505-277-4150), Student Union Building Room 1063.
ANTS is a student organization which assists non-traditional students in their orientation to the academic community and campus life. ANTS provides a base to foster academic success for non-traditional students by establishing channels of communication with administrative departments, and offering a network of peer support and resources for learning. ANTS has a lounge which provides computers, printers, a scanner, various academic software programs, and other tools for academic success. The lounge also has a refrigerator, coffee pot, bulletin boards, and a phone.

Campus Directory (505-277-7807), ITS.
The online faculty, staff, student directory is updated nightly and is available by clicking on “directory” from the UNM website, Students who wish to be excluded from the directory must request so in person to the One-Stop Center in Mesa Vista Hall.

Career Services (505-277-2531), University Advisement and Enrichment Center Room 220.
Career Services assists students and alumni in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment decisions. Office hours are from 8-5, Monday-Friday. Walk-in hours to meet with a facilitator vary, so check the website for the schedule. Services are free to all UNM students with 3 or more hours, and recent graduates. Nominal fees are charged for community members, alumni 6 or more months past graduation, and for career testing. The following services are available:
Career Advisement: Facilitators assist you in choosing a major, assessing your abilities, interests and values, clarifying career goals, writing a resume or cover letter, preparing for interviews, job searches or preparing to attend graduate school.
Career Fairs: Career Services hosts several fairs throughout the year for you to learn about careers and find employment. There are several career field specific fairs as well as the large Career Expo in February.
Career Resource Lab/Cyber Cafe: The is a resource lab designed for career development and job searches. Free coffee for students, alumni, and employer guests.
Cooperative Education: Be a paid professional in your area of study. Gain experience while in school.
Job/Internship Listings: Browse thousands of part-time, full-time, internship, cooperative education, and summer positions on line at
On-Campus Recruiting: Students and employers can meet face to face in interviews for professional entry level cooperative education positions with organizations from across the country.
Workshop Series: Career Services will provide your class or organization a tailored presentation on resume writing, cover letter writing, cooperative education, job searching, and Career Services overview.

Child Care Center (505-277-3365), 1210 University Blvd NE.
The children of students, faculty & staff are eligible to enroll at six weeks of age and until third grade. The center is open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mon -Fri. There is a waiting list for all age groups.

Clinical Law Program (505-277-5265) Bratton Hall, 1117 Stanford NE.
The program provides limited legal services for a small fee for low-income UNM students, Native Americans, staff and Bernalillo County residents over the age of 55. No fee-generating cases are accepted. Law students provide legal assistance with attorney supervision. Call to schedule an appointment.

Copy Machines (505-277-8267) The UNM Copy Center has locations in Dane Smith Hall, the College of Education and the Health Sciences Center.  Visit their website for services, hours and directions to their locations.
All libraries and the SUB have a coin operated machine.

Daily Lobo (505-277-5656), Marron Hall.
The daily student-run newspaper gives students the chance to learn journalistic skills and advertising design and layout. Read the stories and the ads to see what is happening on and off campus.

Dean of Students Office (505-277-3361), University Advisement and Enrichment Center Room 281.
The Dean of Students Office is comprised of the following components: Student Rights & Responsibilities, Lobo Well-Being, Office of Parents and Families, Center for Financial Capability, CARE, Social Work Intern Program, and more. The office is committed to creating opportunities for student success and to challenging and supporting students in their educational endeavors.

I.D. Card (505-277-9970), Lobo Card Office, Student Union Building Rm 1077.
The Lobo Card is the official UNM identification card issued to each student. the Lobo Card is issued once and is valid for the duration of a student’s college career. It has no expiration date. The multi-year card is produced at the Lobo Card Office. A Lobo Card is required for access to recreational facilities, libraries, the Student Health Center, meal plans, discounted tickets and golfing. Card replacement fees are assessed for damaged, lost, or stolen Lobo Cards. Additional card options are available. Your Lobo Card can be activated as a campus debit card by purchasing LOBOCA$H. LOBOCA$H is the cashless, safe, and convenient way to purchase food, vending, residence hall laundry services, convenience store goods, textbooks and school supplies at the UNM Bookstores. Missing Lobo Cards can be deactivated 24/7 via the website.

LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center (505-277-2911), University Advisement & Enrichment Center Room 262

The LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center offers confidential advocacy, UNM's Grey Area mandatory sexual misconduct prevention training, and miscellaneous services including university withdrawals, tuition refund appeals, domestic partnerships, and absence notifications.

Lost and Found (505-277-0081) Campus Police, 2500 Campus Blvd. NE.
Report any lost or stolen items to Campus Police. Most offices on campus have lost and found collections which they turn over to Campus Police after a period of time.

Mailing Systems (505-277-4124), 1128 University Blvd. NE.
Handles only campus mail. The nearest U.S. Post Office is 115 Cornell SE.

Campus mail boxes are available for student organizations at the Student Activities Center in the Student Union. All student resident mail should be properly addressed with the student's name and SRC number.

Media Services (505-277-6151), Media Technology Services, Woodward Hall basement.
The service offers audio-visual projection and playback, editing and duplication equipment including video, sound systems, a film library, teleconferencing facilities, and a complete graphics department.

Meeting Rooms
Classroom Scheduling (505-277-4336), Student Services 263,
Reserves most campus classrooms. Some are scheduled by departments.
Continuing Education Conference Center (505-277-5984), 1634 University NE.
A 600-seat auditorium, break-out rooms, classrooms, a dining room and lobby area are available for a fee.
Student Union Building - SUB (505-277-2331).
To reserve meeting rooms in the SUB, email, or call 505-277-5498. The SUB also offers the grand ballroom, audio-visual equipment, satellite conferencing capability and special set ups for students, organizations, faculty and staff. Services are available free of charge for student organizations if there is no admission charge for the event. Catering is available on request.

New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation, Mesa Vista Hall, Suite 3011, 505-277-3096. Getting to know your way around a university as large and diverse as UNM is easier when you attend orientation. Whether you're a recent high school graduate, a transfer student or a returning adult, we've got a program for you. From registration to advisement, we'll answer all your questions and some you never thought of. For more information call 505-277-3096 or visit their website.

Records & Registration Office (505-277-2916), Student Services Center Room 250.
Address changes can be made at the Records & Registration Office. A correct address is necessary for receipt of appropriate UNM mailings and communications. Students may change their address here
Academic Renewal Academic Renewal applies to students seeking undergraduate degrees who have been readmitted to UNM after an absence of 5 years or more. The policy permits a currently enrolled student to request his or her transcript be reviewed for the purpose of evaluating previous UNM earned credits and recalculating the GPA from the point of readmission. A returning student must earn a least 12 hours and no more than 36 hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0, in order to be considered for academic renewal. Students may contact the Records and Registration Office for more information.
Lobo Web is an interactive response system maintained by ITS and the office of the Registrar. Students may register for classes (adds, drops, etc.), obtain grade information, check financial aid status, and pay for tuition/fees using a credit card. Undergraduate applicants may also check their admission status. Other functions include obtaining accounts receivable information, checking for academic and administrative holds, and checking the schedule of classes. Students also use this system to withdraw from the University.
Program Change, Course Drop or Add or Section Changes, Changes in Grading Options Drop or add.
LoboWeb and LoboPhone (505-246-2020) are interactive registration systems. The following information applies to 16-week class schedule. You may add classes to your schedule or change sections
through the end of the second week of classes. Grading options may be changed through the end of the fourth week of classes. No grade or notation will appear on a student's records if a class is dropped before the end of the sixth week of the 16 week semester. Students who drop classes after the sixth week will receive a notation of withdraw/pass (WP) or withdraw/fail (WF) on their records. A WF is calculated as an F in the grade point average. To drop a class after the twelfth week, permission of your college dean is required. For further information concerning the dropping and adding courses, students should contact the Records and Registration Office at 505-277-2916.
Resident Status For Tuition Purposes in New Mexico (505-277-2383).
To become a legal resident of New Mexico for tuition purposes, four basic requirements must be completed. Each person must meet the requirements individually. These requirements are detailed on the Registrar Office’s website. For more information, stop by Student Services Center room 261.
Withdrawal From the University Any student wishing to withdraw from all courses in which he/she is enrolled on the main campus of the University of New Mexico must do so on LoboWeb. A student registered for both main campus and off campus center courses may withdraw through the main campus procedures.

Registrar’s Office (505-277-2916) Student Services Center Room 250.
The Records Office issues both official and unofficial copies of UNM student academic records. A student may request an official transcript of their academic record and it will be issued, as directed, subject to transcript policies. A fee is charged for all official transcripts. The student's signature is required to authorize the release of their transcript. All financial obligations to the University must be cleared before official transcripts are released. A student’s unofficial academic record is available through LoboWeb at

Reserve Officer Training Corp - ROTC
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps - AFROTC (505-277-4502) 1901 Las Lomas
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps - Army ROTC (505-277-2250) 1836 Lomas
Navy and Marine Reserve Officer Training Corps - NROTC (505-277-3744) 720 Yale NE

Student Union Building - SUB (505-277-2331) 
The SUB offers office space for student organizations, houses ASUNM & GPSA student government offices, the ASUNM SouthWest Film Center, ASUNM Crafts Studio, Nusenda Credit Union, the LoboCard Office, a games room, convenience store, Recruitment Services, Student Activities Center, the Lobo Lab computer lab, wireless networking, and dataports throughout the building. The SUB also has meeting rooms & food service.

Veteran's & Military Resource Center (505-277-3181)

608 Buena Vista DR NE BLDG 20A
MSC03 2215
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

The staff provides service to students who are eligible for Veterans Administration educational benefits. Eligible students must contact the UNM Veterans Office each term of enrollment to initiate benefit payments (to avoid termination of benefit payments). All veterans who have need assistance on campus are welcome.